Paranormal News Insider Archives 2022
Statistics: 23 Monthly shows (September 2008 to August 2010)
207 Weekly short segments (August 30, 2010 - July 11, 2015)
304 One hour shows (September 8, 2015 - Current) = 534 Shows
Shows from #231 and beyond will be hosted on Podbean.
Paranormal News Insider November 8, 2022 - #534
UAP report gets salty initial review. Would disclosure lead to financial chaos? MUFON sighting statistics for October. ‘Paranormal activity’ leads to potential prison sentence. Lights over ‘Sac Town’ leads to a win.Paranormal News Insider October 25, 2022 - #533
Nessie back for more, but it might also be banned. Alligator on the loose in Idaho. NASA announces lineup of researchers of UAP data. Poll results on UFOs, aliens, as well as ghosts.Paranormal News Insider October 18, 2022 - #532
Woman solves Loch Ness Monster mystery. Albino alligator seized from luggage. Scariest places in the U.S. BOTW, Autumn Tales: A Horror Anthology, by Micah Campbell, et al. Researchers say paying for satellites to come from sky advertising.Paranormal News Insider October 11, 2022 - #531
Pennsylvania’s little Bigfoot problem. BOTW, The Search for Sasquatch, by Laura Krantz. Ro$well festival rake$ in $ome dalla bill$. Life might exist on Saturn moon. Hocus Pocus 2 causes outrage.Paranormal News Insider October 4, 2022 - #530
A pair of crocs in the North Sea. Loch Ness Monster has some competition. Champ discovered? MUFON sighting statistics for September. Crop circles are creating a problem.Paranormal News Insider September 27, 2022 - #529
Wisconsin alligator keeping a low profile. Loch Ness Monster sightings? SpaceX causes UFO sightings (again). UFOs get ‘seal’ of approval from Director of Intelligence. NASA crashes a space probe on purpose (and it was beautiful).Paranormal News Insider September 13, 2022 - #528
Do you believe in Bigfoot? No more UAP videos? Fireball over Calgary. Bigelow continues to search for life after death. Police pull rug out from underneath paranormal investigator. NASA launches spacecraft to help save Earth.Paranormal News Insider September 6, 2022 - #527
Tiger, tiger? Nessie is alive! MUFON sighting statistics for August. Vote for the most haunted location in the U.S. Artemis I launch delayed again. Voyager I turns 45 and is still alive.Paranormal News Insider August 30, 2022 - #526
Thylacine being brought back to life again. Is it still alive and well? Search for Loch Ness Monster gets a little clearer. Possible black panther photographs in Michigan. Big cat sighting on the big island. Artemis I launch delayed.Paranormal News Insider August 9, 2022 - #525
Ivory-billed woodpecker back from the dead (again)? Alligator turned over in New Yok. Loch Ness Monster an alpaca? NOAA needs your help with some holes. New astounding photograph from the JWST turns out to be lunch.Paranormal News Insider August 2, 2022 - #524
Missing lynx (found). Does a new discovery make Nessie ‘plausible’? New UAP organization announced. MUFON sighting statistics for July. ‘Saury’ explanation for red lights in the sky.Paranormal News Insider July 19, 2022 - #523
New Kentucky creature ‘caught on camera’. Gator updates. Are UFO/UAP sightings a coverup for something bigger? Government opens up availability to report UAPs. UFOs invade the east coast and Wyoming skies. BOTW, Creepy Cryptids and Strange UFO Encounters of Pennsylvania. Bigfoot, Thunderbirds, Mysteries of the Chestnut Ridge and More. Casebook Four, by Stan Gordon.Paranormal News Insider July 12, 2022 - #522
NASA reveals James Webb Space Telescope images. Alligators on the loose up north. YouTuber Bigfoot hoax revealed as a messy hypothetical situation. MUFON sighting statistics for June. CERN cranks up the Large Hadron Collider and creates a black hole full of lost minds.Paranormal News Insider June 28, 2022 - #521
Sharks in Lake Erie? UAPs invading San Diego? Mid-season recap of the paranormal news for 2022.Paranormal News Insider June 21, 2022 - #520
Amarillo Zoo gets an upgrade. Signals from alien civilizations might be a bit closer to home. Brazil to meet about UAPs. Stanton Friedman to be honored in Roswell.Paranormal News Insider June 14, 2022 - #519
Happy 75th, Roswell! A pair of strange animal pictures bring out the internet’s best experts. NASA creates a team to gather UAP data. NASA also gets ready to go to the moon and might take you as well.Paranormal News Insider June 7, 2022 - #518
Cryptid seeking in The Mountain State. UFO sighting caught on video. Smithsonian to host live chat on UFOs and IFOs. MUFON sighting statistics for May. NUFORC stats are slightly misleading.Paranormal News Insider May 31, 2022 - #517
NASA to help look for UAPs. Congressional hearing transcript released. New UAP footage revealed from Arizona in 2018. Paranormal investigators honor the dead and their community. ‘Conjuring’ home sells for $1.5 million.Paranormal News Insider May 24, 2022 - #516
Where to vacation to look for UFOs. Someone got Snippy, now you can see her too. Forget Earth men, date an alien. Ghost Adventures makes easy decision for investigation.Paranormal News Insider May 17, 2022 - #515
Bigfoot to make a summer appearance in Oregon. UFO/UAP public hearing revelations. Weather balloon might be prying eye in the sky. New black hole available for your viewing pleasure.Paranormal News Insider May 10, 2022 - #514
A new hockey team embraces Sasquatch. Loch Ness Monster sighting in debate. Where to go on vacation to see mythical monsters. A scientist wants to look in the ocean for alien technology. Congressional meeting on UFOs next Tuesday. What would you do if you won the lottery?Paranormal News Insider May 3, 2022 - #513
The fourth Loch Ness Monster sighting of 2022 provides one of the ‘best videos ever’. Is the government covering up UFO info? April MUFON sighting statistics. European Southern Observatory schedules press conference for ‘groundbreaking Milky Way results'. Crop circle discovery may lead to end times, but probably not.Paranormal News Insider April 26, 2022 - #512
Are Hobbits still lurking? A scientist may think so. Researchers also think the ivory-billed woodpecker exists after hearing and seeing them. UFO reports flood North America last week. Wormhole observed by telescope. Astronomy news for the week.Paranormal News Insider April 12, 2022 - #511
Loch Ness Monster alive and well. Do you believe in mermaids? Government reveals strange findings in 1,500+ page reveal on UFOs. UFO seen on the ground in Arizona and in the sky in Alaska, or were they? The first known interstellar object is a new finding.Paranormal News Insider April 5, 2022 - #510
April Fool’s Day invades the paranormal. ‘First official’ Loch Ness Monster sighting happens twice. Proof of Bigfoot turns out to be a dinosaur. Bigfoot appears in Ohio. ‘UFO’ invasion thwarted in UK. MUFON sighting statistics for March.Paranormal News Insider March 22, 2022 - #509
What’s wrong with 'Bigfootology'? Where is the Loch Ness Monster in 2022? Escaped animal kills two. What’s up with the UAP and upright canine connection? Mick West dissects ‘Gimbal’ video.Paranormal News Insider March 15, 2022 - #508
What’s wrong with 'Bigfootology'? Where is the Loch Ness Monster in 2022? Escaped animal kills two. What’s up with the UAP and upright canine connection? Mick West dissects ‘Gimbal’ video.Paranormal News Insider March 8, 2022 - #507
Is the thylacine making a comeback? Jurassic monsters of the deep also returning! Giant venomous spiders are coming to your garden soon. The Aflockalypse 3.0 coming soon? MUFON sighting statistics for February. Arecibo opening back up.Paranormal News Insider March 1, 2022 - #506
Goatman makes a UK appearance. Petition to make UAP data public underway. Is the UFO over Pakistan identified? Does your life flash before your eyes before you die?Paranormal News Insider February 22, 2022 - #505
Business opportunity at Loch Ness. Is the thylacine on the loose in Australia? Military tracks mystery object over Hawaii. Elements of a ghost book.Paranormal News Insider February 15, 2022 - #504
Water monsters of North America surface again. Researching Bigfoot and a load of crap. FOIA reveals a swarm of UAS objects. MUFON sighting statistics for January.Paranormal News Insider February 8, 2022 - #503
Brazil water creature video making a splash. Waring thin on scientists. What might happen when aliens reveal themselves? Avi Loeb looks for those aliens.Paranormal News Insider February 1, 2022 - #502
Loch Ness Monster appears in Wimbledon. Three-toed Bigfoot tracks in Ohio? Red lights at night make for a strange UFO. Uri Gellar issues an alien invasion warning.Paranormal News Insider January 25, 2022 - #501
Great American Bigfoot tour. Loch Ness Monster wants you to visit. Maybe, we got Nessie wrong all along. Crop circles explained! JWST finds its final destination.Paranormal News Insider January 18, 2022 - #500
How did we get here? Rikki Rockett on Bigfoot. Was that really a UFO in Antarctica? Strangest viral stories from the past.Paranormal News Insider January 4, 2022 - #499
Northern U.S. alligator sightings continue despite the cold. Bigfoot sightings latest top five. Harry Reid passes away. Top UAP/UFO stories of 2021.Paranormal News Insider Archives 2021
Paranormal News Insider December 28, 2021 - #498
James Webb Space Telescope FINALLY launches. The Top Ten Paranormal News Stories of 2021 wraps up!Paranormal News Insider December 21, 2021 - #497
The best cryptid books of 2021. The Golden Yeti winner announced. A look back at the top ten of 2020. The Top Ten Paranormal News Stories of 2021 begins.Paranormal News Insider December 14, 2021 - #496
The Patterson-Gimlin film might just be real after all. Was Bigfoot spotted in Georgia? Gators on the loose. Starlink is still fooling people. Russia jeopardizes access to space. An old haunt makes the news.Paranormal News Insider November 30, 2021 - #495
Update on Maryland zebras. More wild cats on the loose. Scariest mythical creatures in the 50 states. Il (ne) faut pas pousser mémé dans les orties! (Frenchman fools the media and pranks many others). A new UFO investigation office opening soon. Bigelow finds life after death.Paranormal News Insider Octomber 12, 2021 - #494
Update on Nessie drone video. Think horses not zebras, but we’re seeing zebras! Saying goodbye to the ivory-billed woodpecker. Michigan has alligator problems.Paranormal News Insider September 28, 2021 - #493
More missing servals. Doug is missing his emu. More ABC activity in the UK. Was the Loch Ness Monster captured on drone footage? UFO on video on a truck? USSF uniforms copied from television.Paranormal News Insider September 21, 2021 - #492
Nessie spotted from China. Serval update. Big cat sightings in Dorset. Crocs on the loose in the UK. National Ghost Hunting Day this weekend. Robotic police, what could go wrong?Paranormal News Insider September 14, 2021 - #491
Serval on the loose (again). Yowie hunter gathers proof. New “Project Blue Book” office may be created. Apple joins the space race. A mammoth move forward for genetics?Paranormal News Insider September 7, 2021 - #490
Last known living thylacine died 85 years ago today. Return of the Loch Ness Monster. Bigfoot shows off its muscles in new video. Are we creating UFO and alien sightings by visiting ourselves in the past?Paranormal News Insider August 31, 2021 - #489
Mountain lion in NYC and gator in Massachusetts. UAPs again on CBS. UFO makes people go nuts in Canada. Close encounters of the Starlink kind.Paranormal News Insider August 17, 2021 - #488
Loch Ness Monster fails to appear, one star rating ensues. Alligators continue to appear in the northeast. Green UFO fills the skies. Follow-up on ghost hunting trespassers. What does it take to investigate the paranormal?Paranormal News Insider August 10, 2021 - #487
James Webb Space Telescope nears active duty. Speaking of active, is Yellowstone about to blow up? MUFON makes an appearance. Is the Dybbuk Box real?Paranormal News Insider August 3, 2021 - #486
Return of the Loch Ness Monster. Hoosier gator. Bigfoot invades birthday party. Viral hoax alert about Bigfoot. Turkish meteor causes panic. What to do about UAPs? Ghost hunter goes for a tumble.Paranormal News Insider July 20, 2021 - #485
Meet Phoenix’s Bigfoot. Man officially spends 30 years searching for Nessie. Are the UAP videos worth getting excited over? How will we get along with E.T.? Length of classified version of UAP report revealed.Paranormal News Insider July 13, 2021 - #484
Is the Patterson-Gimlin film a hoax after all? Bigfoot crosses river in Michigan. Serval rounded up. New video surfaces on USS Omaha incident. BOTW, Bigfoot!: The True Story of Apes in America.Paranormal News Insider July 6, 2021 - #483
Magical dwarf steals ring prior to proposal. Large alligator killed in northeast U.S. African wild cat goes eye to eye with homeowner in Georgia. UAP report goes live. Mysterious drone evades government helicopter. Do you believe?Paranormal News Insider June 8, 2021 - #482
Alligator escapes in Pennsylvania. Bigfoot bounty increases to a cool $3 million. Has Bigfoot (and juvenile) already been captured in Ohio? NASA admits to researching UAPs. Congressional report on UAPs is leaked. The findings? Time Magazine says, “¯\_(ツ)_/¯”. Stanton Friedman remembered. Happy Ghostbusters Day!Paranormal News Insider May 25, 2021 - #481
Reward for Pepie the monster. Alligator rides away? Milestone for Loch Ness Monster documenter. Yowie evidence discovered. Starlink continues to create problems. Ghost Hunters back on television (+). BOTW, Monsters of Wisconsin: Mysterious Creatures in the Badger State, by Linda S. Godfrey.Paranormal News Insider May 18, 2021 - #480
Tiger turns up in Houston. Michigan training gator wranglers. New UAP video making the rounds. ’60 Minutes’ stirs the pot. Obama up late talking UFOs. New Yorker focuses on aliens.Paranormal News Insider May 11, 2021 - #479
Leopards on the loose. Alligators in Iowa. Keep your eye on the tiger. Bigfoot headed for NYC and Oregon. UFO reports run rampant across USA last week. Mushrooms on Mars?Paranormal News Insider May 4, 2021 - #478
Big cat sighting in UK? Black cat frenzy? Big Cat’s night out. Is Lockheed Martin hiding UFO debris? DoD pushing up to the Pentagon about UFOs. Everything you never wanted to know about Zak Bagans.Paranormal News Insider April 27, 2021 - #477
‘Sasquatch’ review. Australia’s big cats making their presence known. Did the Loch Ness Monster escape and die (again)? Clock ticking on government report on UFOs. Cattle mutilations: mystery or mass hysteria?Paranormal News Insider April 20, 2021 - #476
‘Baby dinosaur’ on the loose in Florida? Bigfoot and Sasquatch prove popular in media. Anti-drone technology the root to the UAP stories? UFO stops traffic in Ohio. Dr. Michio Kaku says contact will happen within the century.Paranormal News Insider April 13, 2021 - #475
Boggy Creek legend returns. Pyramid-shaped UFO video leaks to the world, but is it all that it seems? Political births tied to Roswell crash? UFO detector discovered in New Jersey. Invasion of the sheep circle.Paranormal News Insider April 6, 2021 - #474
April Fool’s Day finds Bigfoot. Alligator sightings return to Pennsylvania. Cryptid center for kids opens in Pittsburgh. UFOs return to Chicago? Michio says ‘terrible idea’ on meeting aliens. BOTW, The Contact Paradox by Keith Cooper.Paranormal News Insider March 30, 2021 - #473
Loch Ness Monster returns (Part 5). Ogopogo gets traded. Bigfoot bones discovered in Florida? SpaceX creates panic. Lizzie Borden home gets new owner. Cattle mutilation mystery heats up again.Paranormal News Insider March 23, 2021 - #472
Loch Ness Monster returns. Chupacabra on the prowl in Mexico. More political hot air about UFOs (UAPs?). Who would you choose to lead Earth against aliens? Russia building flying saucers.Paranormal News Insider March 16, 2021 - #471
Alligator found in Kansas. Is Bigfoot an interdimensional creature? Sasquatch on the loose in Kentucky. Giant ‘UFO’ over New Jersey? Giant UFO over England? Haunted guitar?Paranormal News Insider March 9, 2021 - #470
Oklahoma $asquatch hunt goes in different direction. Environmental DNA used to potentially explain Bigfoot. ABC on the loose in MO? Lizzie Borden’s house up for sale.Paranormal News Insider March 2, 2021 - #469
‘Thylacine’ photos revealed. Australia celebrates rediscovery of lost animal (no, not the thylacine). Update on UFO/UAP over New Mexico. Ghost investigators almost find what they were looking for. Monoliths continue to appear then disappear. BOTW, Big if True, by Benjamin Radford.Paranormal News Insider February 23, 2021 - #468
Major announcement on thylacine discovery coming soon. Sooner than we thought. Bigfoot hopping around New York? Pilot reports UFO out west. Haunted mirror or misguided scrying?Paranormal News Insider February 16, 2021 - #467
Finding Bigfoot returns to try to find Bigfoot. Strange animal in Scotland? Pentagon admits testing UFO material, or did they? Missile launch creates UFO concerns. Area 51 property for sale. Elon Musk creates UFO sightings but doesn’t believe in them.Paranormal News Insider February 2, 2021 - #466
Loch Ness Monster trifecta for 2021. Did the thylacine go extinct recently? Do recent UFO reports really have no explanation? Oklahoma Rep. has more bills up his sleeve. What did Punxsutawney Phil predict?Paranormal News Insider January 26, 2021 - #465
Oklahoma proposes ‘big foot’ hunting season. Loch Ness Monster mystery solved (again). MUFON sighting statistics for December and totals for 2020. Blue Hawaii UFO causes buzz. Bigelow searching for the afterlife.